There was no Guest Speaker this time due to the fact that we needed to hold our Annual General Meeting coupled with a Club Forum. The AGM followed the usual statutory format, including the calling for nominations for Board Members for the 2022/23 Rotary year. Under General Business our regular visiting Rotarian John Travlos expressed his gratitude for the fellowship that has been shown towards him and Pipina over a long period of time. The Club Forum covered a number of topics including the Peace Pole Ceremonies which have now been completed in six of the eight schools. Each Pole contains the phrase ‘May Peace Prevail on Earth’ in four languages, and whilst English and Noongar are common to all, the other two languages chosen by the various schools reflect the very different profiles of the student populations. It was suggested that we should try to use this as a means of engaging with other ethnic groups in our area. Peter and Frank made comments about the forthcoming fundraising fete (Saturday 20th November 2021 in conjunction with St Edmund’s Church), especially making reference to the need to keep collecting items for sale. We need donations of goods for the Silent Auction as well as clothes for the Clothes Stall – but not suits please. We won’t be able to sell electrical equipment unless it is tagged, and if anyone knows of an electrician who can do this they should let Peter Pearse know asap. Jim Berry mentioned that arrangements for the Poppy Day Collection which is scheduled to take place at various schools are progressing well, and Max Puddey drew our attention to the Taste of Italy lunch which happens on 27th October at 12 noon. Stan encouraged us all to help get Guest Speakers.