We had a very busy meeting this time, starting with PDG Ineke Oliver presenting our Club with a RI Presidential Citation 2023/24 to recognise that we were 1 of only 12 Clubs out of 90 possibilities world-wide which achieved its stated goals. Congratulations all round! We also had many visitors in the form of student leaders plus some Staff and Parents from Woodlands, Wembley, Churchlands and Floreat Park Primary Schools – very ably introduced by Jeremy Wood. We welcomed visiting Rotarian Allen Gale who is in WA for a few weeks from Victoria. Our speaker was Paige Bajada whose topic was Life Lessons Learned from the Surf Club, and she gave an inspiring address about how membership of the Perth City Life Saving Club has completely changed her life. Paige joined as a “nipper” in 2007 and she’s still going strong 17 years later! The SLSC is much more than just helping swimmers who have got into strife whilst in the ocean; it provides water and beach sports; managing surf boats in all conditions; and providing members with experience in teamwork, the value of community involvement, feeling the joy of giving back to the community, and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Paige concluded by urging all the pupils present to ‘give it a go’! The Perth SLSC Boat Captain Grant Trew advised that they are acquiring a new boat in November, and our Club will partner with them to assist in this quest. Hopefully we can establish a long-term relationship with the Perth SLSC similar to the one we have with the Wembley Districts Cricket Club.