Posted by Roger Veary on Dec 01, 2019
John Butler of Butlers Solicitors and Notaries presented to members and guests on Living Wills (Advanced Health Directives).
John Butler of Butlers Solicitors and Notaries presented to members and guests a talk on Living Wills - more correctly called Advanced Health Directives. I Living Will enables people to state their wishes about end-of-life medical care and it takes precedence over an Enduring Power of Guardianship. Nevertheless, in spite of the increasing complexity of life and personal affairs these days, only about 50% of Australians have an effective Will, let alone a Living Will. John also covered Enduring Powers of Attorney which can take either immediate effect or can kick in at a deferred date when a person is judged to have lost mental capacity. John went on to mention the various scenarios, including how older people are very susceptible to greedy relatives! The many questions from the floor demonstrated the intense interest the audience had in the subject, all of these questions adding greatly to the valuable sharing of knowledge.