Once again, we had no Guest Speaker or indeed no regular meeting, because our Social Committee organised a Melbourne Cup lunch at Jan and Max Puddey’s house on Tuesday 5th November. And what a lovely get-together it was! About half of our Members were able to attend together with nine of our Wives, and a very relaxed and enjoyable time was had by all. Jan Puddey did much of the organising, and with people bringing a plate to share, we had a great spread of food fit for kings and queens!
We had a draw for the horses and everyone received a particular nag. When the race was on the excitement was palpable due to the closeness of the contest, and once decided, the winners received their just rewards. There were also prizes for the ‘best dressed’ man and lady, and each received a beautiful cheeseboard made from a variety of wonderful timbers by Max and the crew at the Lake Monger Community Shed.
A final bit of excitement was a game of bingo in which each participant had a board with a random selection of past Melbourne Cup winners dating back to the late 1800s, and after what seemed an excruciatingly long time, one of the players shouted ‘bingo’. She also received one of those beautiful cheeseboards. No doubt the Sergeant will be on the prowl to tax all those winners at our next meeting! Many thanks to the Puddeys and all who contributed in so many ways.