Adam Hewber, who is confined to a wheelchair, and his carer Chris introduced us to a new initiative they are promoting under the name of "Ability Heroes". Although in its infancy, their goal is to create a detailed directory of accessibility-friendly locations via their website, by recording information such as the availability of disabled toilets, ramps and other aids. It is not only for people in wheelchairs but for individuals with any type of accessibility issue, be it the blind, seniors, mothers with prams etc. - basically to enable anybody with an accessibility issue to find venues suitable for themselves. The idea is to encourage community participation in the project and to expand the site over time. Membership of the website is free and it is intended that members will contribute to growing the database by detailing appropriate locations which could be progressively added to the directory. It is also intended to promote the directory by approaching councils and the owners of public buildings, thereby hopefully influencing them to improve public accessibility where necessary. At this stage Adam and Chris are looking for a partnership and to set up a not-for-profit organisation. Initial capital of $20,000 is needed, plus an ongoing source of funding. Question time resulted in a good deal of helpful advice being offered to assist the project, and the general consensus of the meeting was that it is a most worthwhile venture. Adam and Chris are to be congratulated on their initiative.